Initially, it’s often difficult to notice the harms of online gambling. Therefore, understanding the signs is a crucial step in offering the right support.
If you experience any of the following while gambling online, we recommend seeking help:

  • Borrowing money, selling assets, or avoiding bills to gamble.
  • Feelings of guilt, anxiety, or irritability.
  • Hiding or lying about gambling.
  • Gambling can lead to feelings of shame, which may result in secret gambling. This secrecy often leads to losing track of time or money.
  • Difficulty in stopping or managing gambling.
  • Constantly thinking or talking about gambling.
  • Difficulty concentrating, loss of interest in other activities, or neglecting personal responsibilities.

The most common symptoms include guilt, chasing losses, and hiding gambling.


Understanding What They’re Going Through

If someone close to you is addicted to online gambling and you’re unsure how to communicate with them, consult a professional.

Gambling addicts may hide their activities. Learning about their experiences can help you support them.

Starting a conversation is a great first step. Show empathy and assure them that you won’t judge them, making them feel more comfortable opening up.

Feeling that someone is hiding something can make you feel hurt or betrayed. These are difficult emotions, but they are entirely normal, so try not to be hard on yourself.

Remember, there are many support services available to help both of you.
You may not know where to start when talking to someone about gambling, especially if they are unaware of how their behavior is affecting their life. If they feel safe and supported, they are more likely to speak openly and honestly.

When with them, try to stay calm and positive, and avoid saying anything that may be perceived as judgmental or aggressive.

They may not realize how their behavior is affecting you or others, so help them understand your perspective by explaining how you feel using “I” instead of “you.”

When you start talking, be patient and listen carefully without judgment. Try not to interrupt, as this may discourage them from opening up and could lead to misunderstanding instead of a productive conversation.

It’s essential to remain calm and attentive.
